Monday, January 3, 2011

Im a little late on the New Year update but Happy New Year! 2010 was full of Laughs and good times along with trials that have helped our family grow closer! Now that it is 2011 i am excited to change some things in my life! They are not really new years resolutions but more of new year hopes. This year i would like to learn better patience, with my husband ecspecially. I want to learn to be thankful for the everything i have and not dwell on everything i dont have. I want to learn to play the guitar and learn to speak Spanish. I hope we can add another member to our family and if not then i hope to be swimsuit ready by April not a week before the lake trip. I want to finish at least half of the projects i have packed away in my garage. I want to actually bare my testimony in Sacrament not just think i will. So Those are my new year hopes im not gonna promise i will get them all acomplished but at least i have a whole year to work on it! So Happy New Year and Good Luck on your new year Hopes!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your hopes. Happy New Year to you. Mybe I need to think about some hopes. Ya think?

  3. a baby or swimsuit ready, I love it!
    happy new year =)
