Monday, January 18, 2010

This weekend we set off on a girls trip to Prescott to see our jessica, well me or Candise had never been to Prescott but we figured it would be easy enough to find, well crap were we wrong! We went to payson then through Strawberry but after Strawberry we missed our turn and ended up in Winslow, so we just decided it would be ok and we would just go this way well after we got off the exit outside of Flag we almost drove clear to Williams before we realized we had missed our exit to Prescott and ofcourse there are no signs saying prescott anywhere so after we asked 5 different people who gave us 5 different ways to get to Prescott we finally found our way after 7 hours of driving. Well once we finally got there it was so dang fun i love Prescott and Jessica we went hiking and thrift store shopping and just hung out it turned out to be a really good trip and it only took us 2 and a half hours to get home YAY!

This was Paits thrift store buy a man thought she looked so cute in them he gave her a dollar to buy them.


  1. so that's where Pait was on Sunday! You guys always do such fun stuff and make me feel boring. haha!

  2. 7 hours!!! oh my gosh. thats amazing. i'm glad you made it back faster. i just love when you update your blog. :)
