Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This sweet little girl had a birthday yesterday and by the end of the day it looked like Christmas had come again! She got so spoiled between me and Oren, my mom and dad, aunt Candise, great grandmas and grandpas aunt Kelly and Sid and all her little friends! She still has more coming from Grandma Parry its ridiculous how spoiled she is! She had a fun little party with all her friends and poor Ty was the only boy but he was a good sport! I cant believe my baby is four she acts like she is fourteen most of the time with the things she says and does but she realy has grown up so much and it makes me sad. Im so thankful for her in my life i couldnt ask for a more perfect kid! She makes me laugh all day everyday and even when she makes me mad i usually end up laughing at her reaction to my anger! So happy birthday Paityn Poodily we LOVE you!

Oh please dont judge my cake i procrastinated and then it didnt turn out how i had planned so i had to emprovize and this is what i got! I know not that impressive but four year olds could care less! Paityn told me "Oh mom that is the most adorable cake i have ever seen you did such a good job!" so as long as the birthday girl liked it thats all that matters right!

1 comment:

  1. HOLY MOLY Shin Dig! She is so spoiled! Haha.
    Umm your brother Jordan? What the heck old man? WHy does he look like he is 25? How old is he anyway? Geeze!
